Ryde-Parramatta Golf Club

Male Locker Room Amenities

Complete refurbishment
Project Overview
E.L. Design
Interior Design
E.L. Design
Denton Projects

E.L. Design was engaged to refurbish the existing Male Locker Room amenities. The bathrooms were reconfigured to include new larger showers, toilets and handwash amenities using ‘no touch’ design where possible. Finishes were selected to create a contemporary look, while also being easy to maintain.

Link to Ryde-Parramatta Golf Club Male Locker Room Amenities Complete refurbishment project
Ryde Parramatta Golf Club project - new male locker room shower stalls using warm wood tones and warm grey tiles
Ryde Parramatta Golf Club project - male locker room shower cubicles
Ryde Parramatta Golf Club project - hand washing bay with both direct and indirect lighting design
Ryde Parramatta Golf Club project - male locker room custom joinery pidgeon holes and custom laser cut leaf pattern entry door
Ryde Parramatta Golf Club project - male locker room warm wood lockers
Ryde Parramatta Golf Club project - male locker room basins view from ctsom laser cut door
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